Hello again out there. Figured it was time to check in and post something new. We've made the jump into a 20man Mythic roster and are working our way into Highmaul now that the holidays are over and we're back to normal schedule. Team is working out well and I hope we'll keep getting things tighter as we push on. As for players, we are still on the lookout for a solid heal/dps hybrid, check out the forum for recruiting info.

Blizzard surprised some people this week when UPS shipping notices started to appear saying a mystery package has been sent. Today the packages came for many and Blizzard has put together a gift for their veteran players. The requirements to qualify for the gift seem a little loose, but account created within 60 days of 11/23/2004 and no major breaks in the subscription seem to be the key items. The exact amount of time the account could have been unsubbed is what is unclear. But here's a quick look at what I got today. Congrats to Balder who also got his today.
