Application Template

Apply here for raiding.
Posts: 30
Joined: 11 Oct 2012, 20:28

Application Template

Postby Nehalim » 17 Oct 2012, 08:58

1. Your First Name/Age/Character Name/Class/Race. What server is your toon on, and have you ever changed your character's name?:

2. Please provide a link to your armory. If you are specced PvP for any reason, please log out in PvE gear, and post a link to the build you will use for PvE.:

3. How long have you been playing World of Warcraft (both chronologically and /played time)?:

4. Please list the name and provide armory links for each of your geared alts:

5. Raid experience (both before Cata and after). If you completed the raids on another toon, please explain. Please specify only content if you completed it while relevant.:

6. Tell us why you enjoy your class and spec.:

7. What resources do you use to learn information about your class and upcoming game changes?:

8. What days and hours do you usually play? Can you make all of our raid times?:

9. In any successful guild, there are more players than there are raid spots. How will you feel if we make you sit out?:

10.Everyone makes occasional mistakes during raids. How will you respond to criticism when it is aimed at you?:

11. Are you currently in or applying to another guild?:

12. What previous guilds have you been with and why did you leave? Please be as detailed as possible (even if you are a server transfer).:

13. Please provide a link to any recent WarCraftLogs reports you may have.:

14. Can any members in Fate vouch for you? Do they know they are vouching for you?:

15. Why do you want to join Fate? How will you make Fate better? What makes you stand out from others?:

16. Please provide a screenshot of your UI, and a list of any class-specific addons you use that are not visible.:

17. Tell us about your computer and internet. Can your system handle raids without lag and can you see spell effects at your feet? Do you have issues with your internet? Do you have a house full of roommates watching Netflix 24/7 or downloading donkey porn during raid hours?:

18. Do you have Mumble with a working mic? We aren't expecting nor do we want you to talk all the time, but in a raid it is essential to have a mic. It is mandatory. If you don't have Mumble or can't use it, don't bother applying.:

19. What type of loot system does Fate use?:

Posts: 183
Joined: 19 Oct 2012, 19:39

Re: Application Template

Postby Calis » 12 Feb 2013, 15:39

Here's a sample of a good application.

1.Your First Name/Age/Character Name/Class/Race. What server is your toon on, and have you ever changed your character's name?:
My name is Steven, I am 22. Character Evangelist(Dalvengyr) I've never changed names.

2. Please provide a link to your armory. If you are specced PvP for any reason, please log out in PvE gear, and post a link to the build you will use for PvE.:

3.How long have you been playing World of Warcraft (both chronologically and /played time)?:
I started playing towards the end of TBC and have over 200days played across all my toons.

4. Please list the name and provide armory links for each of your geared alts.:
Callis(DK)- Originally Goldgatherer was a dumb bank alt I started to enjoy
Callis(Hunter)- my original toon I haven't played much since wrath
Caliz (Shaman)- My main raid toon for most of Cata
Condoin(Rogue)- Just a fun alt I liked to play for PvP

5. Raid experience (both before Cata and after). If you completed the raids on another toon, please explain. Please specify only content if you completed it while relevant.:
Wrath: Callis Hunter
Tier 7: Cleared all raids.
Tier 8: Didn't play
Tier 9: Cleared on 25m 2/5 H10m
Tier 10: 11/12 H25m and RS 10m H killed
Cata: Caliz Shaman was main for the most part
Tier 11: Got 7/13 Heroic before I took a break
Tier 12: Came back late 6/7H with some pulls on Rag
Tier 13: 8/8 H with 10% buff

6. Tell us why you enjoy your class and spec.:
I am comfortable playing all of my toons in a raiding environment and have no issues with respeccing. On my priest I constantly respec to tailor my talents/glyphs for each fight I normally go through almost 2 stacks of tomes a week reglyphing and respeccing.

7. What resources do you use to learn information about your class and upcoming game changes?: MMO-Champion, Howtopriest, ElitistJerks, and wowforums mostly.

8. What days and hours do you usually play? Can you make all of our raid times?: I can make all raid times. Outside of raid times I'm normally on every late evening.

9. In any successful guild, there are more players than there are raid spots. How will you feel if we make you sit out? : If its needed for progression I understand I have no issue sitting as long as I get to see the fight in following weeks.

10.Everyone makes occasional mistakes during raids. How will you respond to criticism when it is aimed at you?: I'll take it I'm not afraid of getting told that I messed up nor am I scared of letting others know when they do no hard feelings.

11. Are you currently in or applying to another guild?:No

12. What previous guilds have you been with and why did you leave? Please be as detailed as possible (even if you are a server transfer).:
Late BC and early wrath I was in a guild called <Kings of True Power> it was a Leveling/Fun guild I was still new to the game I ended up taking GM over it and tried turning it into a raiding guild we did very little I ended up leaving.
<Luminosity> I joined mid T7 cleared all current content with them before I took a break about one month before Ulduar.
<AoN> Joined mid T9, <Luminosity> was gone when I came back, I quickly became a core raider and helped them clear 25m ToC and 2/5 H10m.
AoN server transferred early in T10.
<Reloaded> Quickly became a core raider and helped them get 12/12 25m normal we got 6/12H and we're stuck for about 6 weeks before I left.
<Fate> got 11/12H ICC and had many pulls on H Lich King I've been in Fate since.

13. Please provide a link to any recent WarCraftLogs reports you may have.: I'm the bitch dispeller for this fight.

14. Can any members in Fate vouch for you? Do they know they are vouching for you?:Nehalim(Officer) Can vouch haven't asked.Fumiko(Raider) Will vouch for me.

15. Why do you want to join Fate? How will you make Fate better? What makes you stand out from others?: I'm a very versatile player I can paly any role, do any job, I volunteer for things, find new ways to do things, and I'm very laid back no one I've ever raided with has disliked me.

16. Please provide a screenshot of your UI, and a list of any class-specific addons you use that are not visible.:

I use DBM, Shadowed Unit Frames, Recount, Weak Auras, Quartz, Omnicc, Sexy Map, Bartender, Grid, and Miks Scrolling Battle Text.

17. Tell us about your computer and internet. Can you play in 10 man raids without lag and can you see spell effects at your feet? Do you have issues with your internet? Do you have a house full of roommates watching Netflix 24/7 or downloading donkey porn during raid hours?:
I have a i5 2400, 8GB and a 550Ti. I get 60 frames most of the time, I won't stand in fire. My Internet is pretty good, no regularly occurring issues. My wife does watch donkey porn but she does it in the daytime so np for raids.

18. Do you have Mumble with a working mic? We aren't expecting nor do we want you to talk all the time, but in a raid it is essential to have a mic. It is mandatory. If you don't have Mumble or can't use it, don't bother applying.: Yes, I have Mumble and and working mic. I also have Skype and enjoy multi-party calls for hours on end, ask me for an invite to the call.

19. What type of loot system does Fate use?: Loot Council.

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